本学の教職課程のカリキュラムと教育実習指導に関して、教科教育法担当スタッフが充実していること、教科教育法担当者がStudent Advisorの役割もしていること、1年間を通しての指導が極めて丁寧に行われていること、および教育実習を教育実習校任せにせず中間指導(教育実習生と大学教員との懇談会)が行われていることなどが特長として特に評価された。また、学生の自主的な運営による国語科の渡嘉敷島合宿に強い関心が寄せられた。
本学学生の英語科模擬授業に関して、学生の到達度についてはその姿勢や指導態度および能力には高い評価が得られた。しかし、導入ではScaffold(授業の全体構想の説明)が必要であること、Do you understand? の多用は生徒に脅迫的に理解されること、カスタネットの単調なリズムでの語・句指導は問題ではないかなどの指摘があった。
(文責 三村和則)
A result summary
We have gotten many feedbacks for improving our teacher-training course.
The partners of McCauley University and Hannam University evaluated our teacher-training course curriculum and student teaching guidance as a great one.
They pointed out 4 points.
(1)There are sufficient amount of professors for the teaching methodology.
(2)The professors for the teaching methodology take part in as a Student Advisor of the students of teacher-training course.
(3)A very polite guidance for the students toward the teaching practice through the year.
(4)We have meetings with student teachers in a mid- day of teaching practice as
Also, they were interested in the education camp in Tokashiki Island.
It was also noted that in the DVD they watched the students of the teacher-training course are more independent than Japanese students abroad.
We understand we have similarities with foreign university professor's enthusiasm and substances of the lectures when they guide student teaching orientation and also we understand student teachers share the same problems with our country.
However, that kind of situation in Japan we must set a workshop; to have good relationships with children is seen as a problem. One of the partners said "who wants to be a teacher should love children at the beginning, even though he or she becomes a high school teacher".
They also felt strongly discomfort in student's dress code.
They evaluated the English demonstration class on DVD, but there were some suggestions.
First in the introduction, we have to explain to the students the class outline.
Second, using “Do you understand?” repeatedly concretes pressure for the students.
Third, using castanet's monotonous rhythm when they teach words and phrase guidance.
In McCauley university as a high English education we also learned that they device a class of small number of people into smaller class, and they don't use Yes or No question too much in a class. When we were at open house, we could also learn about how to do grade evaluation and teacher's class evaluation or the practical use situation of e-learning or new information about a language study system.
I thank the staffs of McCauley University and Hannam University from the bottom of my heart for their cooperation and kindness.