1) Ito,T., Iwamoto, H., Kamiya, K., Fukushima, T., Kumon, F., 2010, Use of flood chronology for detailed environmental analysis: a case study of Lake Kizaki in the northern Japanese Alps, central Japan, Environmental Earth Sciences, 60, 1607-1618.
2) 伊藤拓馬,谷澤新司,公文富士夫,飯島耕一,坂本竜彦, 2010, 長野市南部,後期更新世高野層における元素組成からみた珪藻生産量の変動とその古陸水学的意味,第四紀研究,49,369-382.
3) 伊藤拓馬,宮沢崇士, 2011, 松代ボーリングコアデータの共有と活用に向けた保存について,市誌研究ながの,19,143-146.
4) 伊藤拓馬,公文富士夫, 2012, 長野県,木崎湖の表層における陸源性砕屑物の粒度分布と堆積過程,堆積学研究,71,3-13.
5) Ito, T., 2013, Preservation potential of seasonal laminated deposits as a useful tool for environmental analysis in mesotrophic Lake Kizaki, central Japan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 73, 139-148.
6) 伊藤拓馬,皆川秀紀, 2013, 東部南海トラフ海域の堆積物に含まれるメタンハイドレートの分解に伴う選択的脱水とその意義,堆積学研究,72,3-12.
7) Kimura, S., Kaneko, H., Ito, T., Minagawa, H., 2014, The effect of effective normal stress on particle breakage, porosity and permeability of sand: Evaluation of faults around methane hydrae reservoirs, Tectonophysics, 630, 285-299.
8) Ito, T., Komatsu, Y., Fujii, T., Suzuki, K., Eagawa, K., Nakatsuka, Y., Konno, Y., Yoneda, J., Jin, Y., Kida, M., Nagao, J., Minagawa, H., 2015, Lithological features of hydrate-bearing sediments and their relationship with gas hydrate saturation in the eastern Nankai Trough, Japan, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 66, 368-378.
9) Suzuki, K., Schultheiss, P., Nakatsuka, Y., Ito, T., Egawa, K., 2015, Physical properties and sedimentological features of hydrate-bearing samples recovered from the first gas hydrate production test site on Daini-Atsumi Knoll around eastern Nankai Trough, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 66, 346-357.
10) 伊藤拓馬,中島祟裕,千代延 俊,薛 自求, 2015, 含泥率の三次元モデル構築:長岡CO2実証試験サイトへの適用,地質学雑誌,121,311-323.
11) Kimura, S., Kaneko, H., Ito, T., Minagawa, H., 2015, Investigation of fault permeability in sands with different mineral compositions (Evaluation of gas hydrate reservoir) , Energies, 8, 7202-7223.
12) 中野和彦,伊藤拓馬,高原晃里,森山孝男,薛 自求, 2015, ルースパウダー蛍光X線分析法によるCO2貯留対象層のコア試料の迅速定量化への適用,X線分析の進歩,46,227-235.
13) 伊藤拓馬,中島崇裕,薛 自求, 2016, CO2地中貯留層の堆積環境と圧入性支配要因としての粒度組成・間隙径分布の特徴:長岡サイトの例,堆積学研究,75,1-13.
14) 西澤 修,張 毅,伊藤拓馬,薛 自求,小暮哲也,木山 保, 2016, 岩石物性研究とCO2地中貯留,物理探査,69,127-147.
15) 中野和彦,伊藤拓馬,大渕敦司,薛 自求, 2017, 粉末ペレット/FP法による長岡CO2地中貯留サイトコアの定量分析,X線分析の進歩,48,417-428.
16) Ito, T., Ohbuchi, A., Nakajima, T., Xue, Z., 2017, Identifying the source of natural gamma-rays in shallow-marine siliciclastic strata and their significance for shale evaluation: A case study of the CO2 storage aquifer at the Nagaoka site, Japan, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 46, 782-792.
17) Minagawa, H., Ito, T., Kimura, S., Kaneko, H., Noda, S., Tenma, N., 2017, Depressurization and electrical heating of methane hydrate sediment for gas production: Laboratory-scale experiments, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 50, 147-156.
18) Kitamura, K., Nishizawa, O., Christensen, K., Ito, T., Finley, R., 2018, Seismic and strain detection of heterogeneous spatial distribution of CO2 in high-permeable sandstone, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 72, 65-73.
19) Kimura, S., Kaneko, H., Noda, S., Ito, T., Minagawa, H., 2018, Shear-induced permeability reduction and shear-zone development of sand under high vertical stress, Engineering Geology, 238, 86-98.
20) Kimura, S., Ito, T., Minagawa, H., 2018, Grain-size analysis of fine and coarse non-plastic grains: comparison of different analysis methods, Granular Matter, 20, 50.
21) 伊藤拓馬,大渕敦司,中野和彦,佐々井登喜男,薛 自求, 2019, SEM-EDXによる主要元素の平均組成の簡便計測法とその地質調査への利用,分析化学,68,373-380.
22) Kimura, S., Ito, T., Noda, S., Kaneko, H., Suzuki, K., Yasuda, H., Minagawa, H., 2019, Water permeability evolution with faulting for unconsolidated turbidite sand in a gas‐hydrate reservoir in the eastern Nankai Trough area of Japan, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 124, 13415-13426.
23) Kimura, S., Noda, S., Ito, T., Katagiri, J., Kaneko, H., Minagawa, H., 2020, Experimental study of impact of shearing velocity and effective normal stress on post-shearing permeability evolution of silica fault gouges, Tectonophysics, 789, 1-14.
24) 伊藤拓馬,中里裕臣,橋本 励,薛 自求,2020,房総半島中東部の上総層群から得られたコア試料の層序と洪水起源堆積物の周期性,第四紀研究,59,89-102.
25)伊藤拓馬,木村 匠,中村真也,2022,沖縄県西原町上原に新たに露出した島尻層群の堆積相と堆積環境,沖縄国際大学経済論集,13,1-10.
26) 伊藤拓馬,2022,中新世の珪化木年輪幅の時系列解析にみる太陽黒点周期,経済環境研究,11,19-28.
27) Nakano, K., Tobari, S., Shimizu, S., Ito, T., Itoh, A.,2022, Effect of soil moisture and its correction method for quantitative analysis of hazardous metals in polluted soil for the on-site XRF analysis, X-Ray Spectrometry, 51, 101-108.
28) 伊藤拓馬,2023,沖縄島における2021年福徳岡ノ場起源漂着軽石の粒度組成と海岸地形の閉鎖度との関係,沖縄地理,23,35-43.